Teacher Name: Tracy Johnson
Grade: 12

Materials: Color pencils on paper, digitally edited
Description: This was an assignment to make a piece inspired by Kevin Cole the artist. I was experimenting with how I could use the multitude of colored pencils I had on hand to create a portrait without using skin tones directly.

Artist Statement: It’s all about the people. When I make art, I’m always thinking about what I’ve been feeling in my daily life and the interactions with people I’ve had. This year, I’ve learned to draw realistic portraits and observe what makes a smile, what makes a face. Making art of people has shown me the beauty that can be seen in all of our varied facial features. While I started as an artist who enjoyed drawing in an anime or sometimes cartoon-ish style, I’ve expanded to create more realistic pieces. Partly because of this background, I often find myself incorporating little doodles into my work. These doodles add parts of my own bubbly personality into the work and make it my own.

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