Teacher Name: Mr. Baran
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: Matinee is about a movie theatre in my neighborhood that has been around since the 1900s and holds a special place in people’s hearts. It was taken to represent the history that comes with my neighborhood. Slow comes from a parking lot of a local Target, something that may seem basic but when looked at it again, it becomes intriguing to the eye. I take countless pictures to capture moments in my life that I value and have an interest in. Last summer I went to a concert where I saw my favorite rapper, I would take close-up pictures of him because I wanted to capture my strong passion for music. The process behind Matinee was shooting low and experimenting with different angles, I began shooting from under and then from the side of a building, where I went with a reflection instead and I got low enough to have the border on the window split the real and mirrored world. The process behind Slow was shooting random subjects, the glow on the sign despite it being gloomy outside stood out to me, so I framed it in the middle so it would be the first thing that captured people’s attention.

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