Teacher Name: Katheryn Sanford-Garcia
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: Everyday life in a public space brings out curiosity and mystery. In this collection, I’ve focused on environmental street photography around Chicago. From dark spaces filled with color to light lighting up the frame, there’s lots of creativity in front of my eyes. While exploring the city and making new routes for myself, I like to see what I can think of when I come across a creative space. I can make each scene more dramatic through editing, bringing out the small details. This is how I can show myself throughout the viewfinder. It is the beauty around the image. These interests came to me when I was younger. I wander around everywhere and look for that peaceful setting. My family is a big part of my interest in street photography. Traveling with my parents or grandparents gave me that interest. I have such a big imagination, and it’s filled with creativity. When I grab my camera, I like to explore with it. I have so much love for this art, and I’m glad to have fun showing the meaning behind the photos I’ve created and giving different perspectives on it. I love to show the deep details and provide insight into every work I’ve created.

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