Teacher Name: Denise Barba
Grade: 12

Materials: Digital Photography
Dimensions: 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm
Description: This piece consists of 30 race-height hurdles and myself. The hurdles not only represent hurdles in track, but also obstacles one must overcome for success, for example, an injury or a large essay for class. In this piece, I represent one with many obstacles ahead of them. When you run over a hurdle, you may stumble or even fall, but you can always get back up and continue over the next hurdle until you reach the finish line. This work was created through photography and photo editing.

Artist Statement: Through this body of work, I wanted to explore the underlying themes and life lessons hidden in the sport of track and field. Through the theme of track, this exhibition will show the importance of perseverance, hard work, teamwork, etc. I chose to center my exhibition around track and the life skills I have developed throughout my track career because joining the track team helped me through a rough time. I joined track my sophomore year of high school, the year after online learning due to COVID-19. I had a tough time adjusting back to in-person learning, primarily because I knew very few people at my new school. However, joining the track team in the middle of my sophomore year allowed me to get back into shape and hang out with people who shared similar interests. Through Track, I regained my confidence and made many new friends. Track has changed my life positively, and I wish to showcase how track isn’t just a sport to me.

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