Teaching Artist:
Teacher Name: Elizabeth Drake
Grade: 12

Dimensions: x” &times x”

Artist Statement:

The piece was intended to visually portray a woman somewhat underweight, under slept, lacking confidence. Her posture is somewhat guarded off, and purposefully, she is shaded entirely in black and white. I intended to portray a beautiful woman who lacked knowledge of her true beauty. However, on top of the intent of my visual portrayal, the piece was also intended to touch on the subject of alcohol dependencies and club culture in women. The use of mixed media with the tissue paper was intended to portray the parasols commonly used for alcoholic beverages. The umbrella-like figures appear to be somewhat shielding her, on top of her crossed arms. The use of color contrast, as well as the variety of media, the piece was intended to portray someone who received their energy, vibrancy, confidence, all from a substance. Someone who feels like nothing if not aided by intoxication, a feeling many women commonly fall victim to.

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