Teacher Name: Gabriel Mejia
Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

Home to me has been a variety of things, places, people, but most importantly, experiences. Throughout my life, what I’ve gone through, whether positive or negative, is what’s surrounded me and become my home. A majority of what I create is heavily influenced by what surrounds me, as well as what’s held significance to me all these years. The home I’ve immersed myself within has solidified who I am currently, along with what I hope to put out through my work.

The most crucial aspect of my process when making art is where the ideas originate from. Typically these ideas stem from past memories, or important moments in my life which have led me to the point I’m at. Once these memories are retrieved, I have something to go off of, which’ll become the main focus of my works. Not only can this work in which I create be an outlet for my own expression (in regards to certain experiences or thoughts), but it allows for the potential to connect with others who’ve faced similar challenges, triumphs, casual occurrences, and any other aspect of life no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Through my pieces I hope to share a stories and ideas, as well as create art that others can feel a connection to no matter how strong it may be. Everyone has a different idea of what their “home” is, but no matter what that home may be, there’s always opportunity to share it with others.

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