Teacher: Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

I made a Clay pot that I called Rinnegan. This piece was made to represent my appreciation for anime. I was a big fan of Naruto during quarantine when COVID-19 had everyone stuck at home doing nothing. I had nothing to do and started to do things I haven’t done or watched before. I saw that there was a genre of tv I had never watched before and it was Japanese cartoons. within the first 5 episodes of Naruto, I got hooked. I watched it almost every single day during my freshman year and was obsessed with anything that was related to Naruto. during my sophomore year, we had an assignment to use clay and make whatever we felt like creating. I then made a 4 layer purple clay model to resemble the Rinnegan that Sasuke gets later on in the Naruto series. I have never used clay to make any artwork in my life and this first attempt really opened up a door-way to being much more creative with the art I make.

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