Grade: 8th

Dimensions: 9 x 12 in.
Description: I used watercolors, a gold paint pen, white paint, and an illustration pen to make this piece. I was inspired by a biblically accurate angel and my idea of heaven which is a blue sky with clouds. I like having a humanoid subject in my art so I put the angel on her face. I made the clouds have a gold outline to partially match the rings around her face. I originally thought the idea looked cool instead of having a backstory for it, but now I think of her as possessed. However, I think her being possessed is a good thing because angels are meant to help people and I feel like this angel saved the girl from death by possessing her. I was trying out watercolor for the first time so my goal was to make the piece look like my vision with something I haven’t tried before and express the aspects of watercolor like the flowy texture and the washed out colors. Overall, I am proud of this piece because originally this art idea was more of a surface idea which I then turned into a character.

Artist Statement: An girl who was possessed by an angel.

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