School: Lincoln Park High School

Grade: 12

Description: The adorable Uluguru forest tree frog sculpture I made is featured in its habitat of water and floating plants. The environment inside the sculpture shows the relaxation and peacefulness within the water, while the entire shape is a lilypad. I think these frogs are so cute, especially in their natural habitat so I wanted to create something dear to me and something I appreciate.

Artist statement: My mind has always subconsciously implemented some sort of cuteness into my artwork. I’ve always thought it could be because my Asian culture has lots of cute aspects and undertones within it or because my family enjoys being surrounded by cute things. But I’ve realized while developing my art style throughout the years, that a lot of things I create have some sort of cute factor to them. I’ve concluded that this was probably a coping mechanism for needing to mature because of how fast time is going by, especially since I’m going to be attending college soon. My art style helps me feel safe from the feeling of needing to face maturity the more I grow up. My use of colors is another factor that relates to this because when I look back on younger memories, I remember seeing the world so vibrantly. Using shades of color for skin, hair, eyes, and all aspects within my art piece assists me in making more lively creations. Being able to have diversity within my artworks is very important as well because being knowledgeable in more fields rather than just 2 allows me to develop a more open-minded perspective within the art world. So producing these artworks helps me comfortably ease into the reality that I am growing up and just brings me joy when I manage to create something. The medium of clay is an amazing source of creation because of the artistic liberty it has, such as flexibility and variety, are so unique. I think there’s a magical aspect to clay art because you can make anything, from faces, dishes, decorations, or even functional tools, is amazing. Sculptures also incorporate decor and personality into environments such as a watering pot or a makeup cup holder. Being able to feel free within the art field is very important because if people had limits to their ideas and creativity, it would create a negative impact. After all, art helps reflect on society, bond and bring together people, and express personal events and lives.

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