Teacher Name: Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: My works are all based around the theme of obsession and how the different forms and obsession can take as well as how it is expressed or affects someone. This is something that can be seen all throughout society on a varying scale which is why I wanted to explore this theme and why I focused on beauty for this project. As I began brainstorming around this idea I did so by thinking about the different approaches I could have taken. In my previous works, I did this by choosing a more literal/obvious route and even based a piece around the myth of King Midas who is known for his obsession with gold. Before that, I had explored this theme by showing how the compulsions caused by an obsession can cause an internal struggle. Going forward I wanted to continue to explore the many different sides of an obsession through my works. Through my works, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and exploring a theme that I usually don’t. I am focusing on obsession as a whole and the different forms it takes which can be a bit of of a sensitive topic but also has a lot to offer and explore.

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