Teacher Name: Rosa Spacucello
Grade: 12

Materials: Printmaking: Shipping Labels, Screen-Printing
Dimensions: 4″ x 6″
Artist Statement: With “SUPER GROOVY” as a pseudonym, this piece aims to disrupt everyday life through common sayings via silk-screen printing. With these prints, each one having its own strikingly original errors, I envisioned them flooding the streets on stop signs and lamps, inspired by the stickers I’ve seen on my way to school.

The use of a personified dog looking angrily into a bowl perfectly fits the message. As for the message, it is a simple saying, fragmented into chunks to give off the impression of poetry. I chose to do this to convey the erratic nature of language. considering its setting would be on a street, the unsteadiness of cities would set well into the environment.

Additionally, having a pseudonym is important to me since it allows the message to have a face; without a face, the message carries no authority. Having chosen the pseudonym “SUPER GROOVY” is ironic since it doesn’t come off as authoritative but more as someone you know—a friend.

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