Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: 12


I wanted this piece to represent how I sabotage myself when it comes to aspects of my everyday life. As people say, “You are your own worst enemy,” and I wanted to convey that here. The figure in the bottom left is growing these vines and they continue to spiral and turn, eventually coming back around to hurt and suffocate her. The vines represent my anxiety an how within worrying about something, it starts to come back around and I end up more miserable than before. I used colored pencils for the majority of the piece and a black alcohol marker for the background.

Artist Statement:

How can I explore my view of myself and how my habits affect me? In most of my pieces I create work that represents my identity, how I hold myself back from goals, my habits, what I put my self-worth on, and how my views of myself change over time. Most of my work is created with alcohol markers and colored pencils, with vibrant colors and harsh lighting to draw the viewer’s eye.

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