Teacher Name: John Myers
Grade: 12th Grade

Materials: Digital Photography

Description: This is a piece I made for a memento mori piece in a digital imaging class. I wanted to gather brightly colored nostalgic items and darken the corners of the image to make the viewer feel the nostalgic feelings I felt as I made the piece. When I look at this piece it reminds me of home because I relate the bright colors to fun and the individual items all hold important meaning to my childhood.

Artist Statement: I have had many influences which led me to the artistic path that I am on. My elementary school had a strong fine arts program, I took several art classes in high school, did an internship over one summer that was focused on costume design, and did a different internship the following summer which was focused on creating murals. In addition to all these programs, starting in my junior year of high school, my friend and I became the leaders of a Girl Scout art club, where we met with younger Girl Scouts once a month and taught them how to make new crafts. All these experiences allowed me to broaden my knowledge and helped me become a stronger artist, and I now want to be an art teacher and follow in the footsteps of those who inspired me.


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