Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

I made these photos out of my passIon for cars and nature. Ever since I was young I loved cars and nature, so now I mostly take pictures of both. To make the car pIcture I went to a uncle’s house and brought my camera along to take pictures of moving cars on the highway or around the neighborhood but when I saw my uncles friends car, I asked him if I can take a picture of it and he said yes, so what I had him do was park it In the location it was at, got onto my knees and snapped that picture. Then for the one with the BahaI house of warship one, me and a friend met up and were walking around taking pictures of the warship temple. Then I saw a pretty good grass field with flowers in it and went there. Then I found a unique angel and took that shot. My artistic process is just fIndIng a good car or good angel and taking a picture of that car or of that locatIon. The tool I use to edit my pictures Is Lightroom and It’s a good and simple software that allows me to do the basic edits I need to do. My work tells me that my passion is leading me the right way since I am able to Identify good angels and positions to take pictures of cars and nature.

es_MXEspañol de México