Teacher Name: Elizabeth Chisholm
Grade: 10

Materials: Acrylic paint
Dimensions: 12” x 17”
Description: This piece depicts a peaceful morning drive after a stormy night. I use a variety of materials but I gravitate towards paint media including acrylics, watercolor, and paint pens. I love portraits but I have recently been exploring other subjects. I intentionally use color as opposed to black and white because I feel that color is one of the more expressive aspects of a painting.

Artist Statement: Much of my art focuses on themes related to identity and emotions. Many of the portraits I paint are either self portraits or portraits of my friends and family, who all have very different personalities, backgrounds, and identities. I focus on expressing emotions through my art that would be difficult to explain through words. My pieces tend not to be overly joyful but also not too morose, I like painting subtle in-between emotions that slowly build towards hope, healing or the feeling of simply being content. In each piece of art I complete, my goal is to create a beautiful image where a single message or emotion is shown through every single aspect of the piece, and every part of it represents the same idea.

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