Teacher Name: Amy Diamond
Grade: 12

Artist Statement: As an artist, the art that I create means the world to me. But what does it mean to other people viewing my art? Many people say that the goal of an artist is to capture the moment or to create the image that they have in their head. I beg to differ. The reason I create art and take these pictures is to portray an entire story in a singular, still frame—one picture, that’s all I get. While taking these pictures, there are many things that go through my head, so they turn out the way I want them to. If it is the point of view, the focus point, or how I edit the picture, everything has to be well thought out so the vision goes from my head onto the artboard. I am inspired by the emotion that I think a scene may portray. Even if the raw image is not what I want it to be, which it usually isn’t, I know how to alter the image so the viewer experiences the same as I felt taking the picture.

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