Grade: 12

Dimensions: 24″ x 48″

Artist Statement: My name is Angela Casas, and I’m a passionate artist with a strong Mexican heritage who aims to convey the bright art that represents the rich fabric of my culture. I proudly carry on the artistic history that has been fostered within my family for generations as an 18-year-old. I involve aspects of my childhood and identity into my paintings, drawing inspiration from the customs, hues, and folklore of Mexico. Every brushstroke is heavy with history, resonating with the footsteps of my forebears and the artistic endeavors of my four sisters, who helped to shape my path. I have a hard time connecting to my culture, so I’ve used painting as a way to deeply connect to who I am.I paint in order to respect the history of my predecessors and to carve out a career for myself as a painter committed to protecting and disseminating Mexico’s cultural assets. In hopes to bring more people into a peaceful mindset, where painting becomes a form of therapy. I do hope my art inspires you today. Thank you.

es_MXEspañol de México