School: Lincoln Park High School

Grade: 12

Description: The narrative I have created is a psychedelic coral reef. I did this by creating a variety of different shapes of plants in a coral reef that have different patterns. All of my brainstormed four sketches were nature related. I chose my final sketch out of the four which was an ocean originally but I wanted the main focus to be plants. An inking technique I used was contrasting curves. I used this on all of my coral. I also used alternating curves on the top left of the final project to resemble Agaricia agaricites, a type of coral. Lastly, I used intersecting curves on the plant leaves that go from the top to the bottom of the paper.

I developed my project through practicing intersecting, expanding and alternating curves in my sketchbook. Then I brainstormed four different sketches and chose one of them to do a final sketch on. I copied my final sketch onto the project paper and inked it to create the final product. I used composition basics by adding different coral plants onto paper first for the background then decided on which coral plants would overlap these background plants. I think I used my studio time very well, I wasn’t here for a day so I lost a day of studio time which is why I think I turned in the project late. Some problems I encountered were the lines not being perfectly neat, I fixed this by erasing and retrying. My hands aren’t very stable so sometimes I’ll twitch and it will mess up but I can fix this by just erasing. Someone that influenced me on developing my piece was my friend Ahmo. I showed him the piece and he thought it was really cool so it motivated me to finish it.

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