Teacher Name: Amy Diamond
Grade: 12

Description: In search of beauty in a city, The Map Mirrors the self and the space around them. It was here already.

Artist Statement: To be honest, Big Shoulders and the Windy City was quite overwhelming first. Where I come from, if it snows its gone by the next morning and the tallest spectacle to marvel at is a 266 foot gold dome in the nearest city or the Smoky Mountains. Going from Knoxville, Tennessee to Chicago, Illinois was both a culture and temperature shock as I moved in time for the “Chi-berian” winter to settle over the city. My first impressions were breathtaking. A skyscraper was already a crazy concept to imagine, but looking at some of the tallest in the world all clustered together was unfathomable. The Art-Deco architecture of previous centuries clashes with the brutish modern look of glass and steel creating a physical landscape with beauty to be found in every corner. When I found photography I began to search for the beauty of my city with a new and unfamiliar intensity, and with this search came familiarity for my community and a love for the city.
I think one thing that unites all Chicagoans is the physical landscape itself. No matter where people are from, everyone comes to Chicago and sees the skyline that millions call home. Everyone can appreciate the rich history still unfolding here, fully immersed in its metro landscape and captivated by its magnanimity. People from all walks of life can come to Chicago and be adopted as an honorary Chicagoan, and they’ll have the entire city to roam and stake claim. There’s a space for every little niche in the city, every character and interest. Chicago became my home when I came here from Knoxville, Tennessee. It wasn’t until I started searching and discovering Chicago that it actually became home to me.

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