Teacher Name: Taylor Smith
Grade: 12

Materials: Photograph 

Artist Statement:

For these pictures I waited until the sun was about to set and I went to place where there are tons of trees. I wanted to catch the sunset along with the colorful trees. The techniques that I used where; lines and paths, considered the sky to have a balance between trees and the sky, I photographed during golden hour, I maximized depth of field, and I emphasized foregrounds. Something that I learned from this assignment was being able to include the sky in the picture and letting it be an element that adds a nice background. Before this, I mainly focused on an object rather than the sky which sometimes made my pictures look “busy”. I selected these pictures because I really like the color of the sunset behind the colorful trees. I also really love how the sky is being reflected off of the water. And lastly, I like how the first image is almost symmetrical and makes it look clean. Something I would change is maybe using a different angle from down below. I’m surprised at how beautiful simple images can be and how fast they can be captured. Over all I feel very confident about this process and outcome.

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