Teacher Name: Emily Albun
Grade: 8

Materials: Mixed media
Dimensions: 12” × 18”
Description: This piece is about the eyes of a child. I was trying to express the creative and pure mind of a child through the unique imagery drawn on to the pictures. The pictures also have meaning. The top four are places I pass while going to and from school. The middle four pictures, if you haven’t noticed yet, are from Goethe. And the last four are taken at my house. These pictures follow my day and express my life, and childhood. Going to school, being at school, and coming home are all things of my day that repeat over and over and over. The words of the dictionary also hold meaning, such as bicycle and genius. I ride my bike almost every day so it’s become a very important thing to me. I also have been seen as a so-called “genius” at school, and out. That notion of me has surrounded me for most of my life to the point that if I’m not seen as it, I feel bad. Anyway, I choose to do this, because I feel as though I’m leaving a part of my childhood because I’m leaving Goethe.

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