Teacher Name: Ryan Morris
Grade: 12

Materials: Graphite Pencil
Dimensions: 6in x 12in

Artist Statement: I create to bring the beauty of detail. Attention to detail is crucial to creating art. I never want to settle when I know I can add more to a piece. The pieces in my portfolio are created with care and time. I attempt realism in my art because of how beautifully detailed a piece of artwork can be created. As I continue to grow in art, I never want to stop and use one medium. Graphite will always be my number one, but It’s great to be exposed to other mediums and learn new techniques from those mediums. When you’ve always been average at most things you did growing up, it’s hard to say you’re good at this or that. But art has helped me feel special. Being recognized as a great artist by my peers makes me feel special. Art is many things, but others aren’t always going to agree with your artistic view. I think as long as you create anything that helps express yourself, then anything is art.

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