Teacher Name: Ms. Lessard
Grade: 12

Materials: Photoshop and Drawing Tablet
Dimensions: 2244 X3300 dpi
Description: This piece is an artwork inspired by David Hockney’s use of textured brushes to capture the world. I took a photo of a shelf on my wall as inspiration because I wanted to try and replicate it by playing around with different brushes. The addition of the fairy elves were a last minute decision to fill in the empty space.

Artist Statement: This piece was for a school assignment where we were tasked to take a photo of a meaningful object, indoor location, or outdoor location and make an expressive artwork inspired by David Hockney using textured brushes. The photo I used was of a handmade traffic cone I made in 2021 for Halloween. It is on top of a wall shelf with a Christmas hat on it that I left there since Christmas of 2021. It also has some dabbing figure mannequins. If I were to describe the purpose/goal of this shelf, I would say that this shelf is a shelf of objects left there since who knows when.
I decided to use this photo as a reference because it had various textures on it like the flat wall, smooth cone, and fluffy hat as well as a variation in the lighting from the lamp on the right to the shadows on the left. I used photoshop and a drawing tablet for this artwork because we were learning about digital art in class. When drawing this digitally, I played around with different textured brushes and colors in an attempt to replicate the photo but not to an extent where it was 100% accurate. Like David Hockney, I tried to capture the main elements of the photo, when from afar, it looks like a real photo, but from close up, you can see the textures of the brushes I used.
When I was finished with the piece, it felt kind of empty to me despite all the detail so I decided to make it a little more fun by adding some little fairy elves to it. I currently have an elf stuffed toy sitting between the red and white part of the Christmas hat which was added after I took the reference photo, so I wanted to add that element back in. I really like reading comics/manga so I wanted to make this piece a bit more “my style” by adding fictional characters to it, aka the fairy elves.

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