Teacher Name: Jason Schoenbeck
Grade: 7

Materials: pencil
Dimensions: 12” × 9”

Artist Statement:

This drawing visualizes the life of pioneers in historic Jamestown. It represents the daily life of colonizers where women, men and children were all building a better future. Women’s primary jobs were things similar to teaching, cleaning and mothering, as the traditional standard was back then. They would also craft beads, tend the farms and animals and even help with medicines.While men dealt with the jobs that were idolized for men back then (sailing, trading, butchering, jewelry making, barbering, etc.). This piece is not historically accurate, as the original population of Jamestown was composed of only men, which led to the ultimate downfall of the town. I put a lot of attention to detail into the historic costumes, crafts, utilitarian objects and town life displayed here.
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