Teacher Name: Ms. Simone Scigousky

Materials: Oil paint

Artist Statement: After 5 years, I returned to my favorite forest preserve only to find it unrecognizable. Where was the leafy canopy that provided me shade on those hot summer days? Where were the squirrels that darted up and down trees playing tag? Where was the huge bird that was perched on the top of the same tree every day? I carefully walked the familiar path, once lined with wildflowers but now covered in dirt tracks from what looks like a large truck.

My walk that day is what inspired me to make this painting. I reflected on the way innocent animals are forced out of their natural habitat, symbolized by the polar bear standing in flames and the dolphin hanging from a fallen tree. Although a lot of habitat loss is attributed to climate change, a significant amount of it is due to human impact. It is humans who cut down trees for economic reasons, without recognizing the disturbance it causes to the landscape and animal communities. It is humans who send too many cruise ships into fragile regions, oblivious to the melting glaciers and water pollution.

I hope this painting serves as a reminder to protect the environment. Humans are not the only ones occupying this world; we must share the world with those around us.

Creating this work was the first time I used oil paint and canvas. It was a long process of experimentation and new techniques. I instinctively added water to my oil paint more times than I can count, forgetting that oil and water don’t mix. I learned to layer, use short brush strokes, and some other skills. I’m proud of how my attempt turned out, and I’m eager to discover new mediums and methods in the future.

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