Grade: 9

Materials: Watercolor

Dimensions: 15” × 9”

Artist Statement: My artwork is about a newly abandoned small city with a sinkhole in the center of it. Its title is “The opening” because of the hole that has caused this town to no longer have residents. It is a town with a park, shops, and apartments, and a drone and a bird are flying above it. The piece is meant to have a dull, and lackluster feeling with colors that show the emotions and dreary sense of the abandoned town.
The media of my artwork is watercolor paint, gel pens, micron pens, and watercolor paper. For my artwork, I started with a base layer of a very watered-down brown. All the buildings and streets are colored with a base color of watercolor. All of the smaller details on the buildings and streets are created with gel pens and micron pens to outline and color.
The main idea behind my artwork was to show what a town without resources becomes when a tragedy happens. The emotion this artwork is meant to give is awareness, gloominess, and an overall lonely feeling.
My goal as an artist is to expand my knowledge of working with different medians and techniques. This piece helped me with my goal as an artist because I have never before created a piece with the main component being watercolor.
The final piece that I created is what I imagined in my mind for the piece. This piece will influence my future work in the way that I am now more comfortable with the use of watercolor to the point that I would use it in other works of art.

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