Teacher Name: Ms. Park
Grade: 12

Materials: Flowers and book quotes
Dimensions: 9” × 12″

Artist Statement: The title of my work is called At Ease. I made this peace because I want to look back and never forget that there is always something to smile about no matter how difficult life gets. The person that witnessed all terror through my eyes had held me by my arms to comfort me. My message is to never forget experiences like this to be around people who make us feel like we can breathe. The flowers in my artwork represent how much it can go through and still live even when it’s under so much pressure while having its flaws. We only see our flaws but towards others they are just as beautiful as a flower on the outside. Getting to know someone is scary even when being surrounded by a bad environment which makes dead flowers, but everything around you is not what makes you. We can be just as beautiful as how we view others. Some tools that I enjoy using are a Q-tip, it helps me shade to look realistic and doesn’t smudge like how fingers do on paper when blending. Specific experiences contributed to my artwork because it taught me how to express my emotions instead of suppress, which can help others feel comfortable through the work of art.

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