Teacher Name: Angelica Mendoza
Grade: 12

Materials: Watercolor paint
Dimensions: N/A

Artist Statement: The work presented showcases art that I wanted to stand out. I wanted the colors to grab the viewers attention–and if not the colors, then the perspective that the characters or drawings themselves are in. My process is pretty all over the place; I don’t usually sketch out the idea unless I want it to be a big project. A tactic I’ve turned to using is adding the color and background color first, before outlining my work. Doing it that way forces me to know what palette I’m working with, and gives me ways to use a multitude of colors to make the piece continue to pop out or have a vibe/flow to it. It can be a long process, full of mistakes or random decisions, but that’s what makes it fun for me, and makes the end result feel more satisfying and rewarding. My work to me, is an expression. I don’t ever want to leave a piece thinking it looks ‘okay’. I want to exaggerate it each time, or add elements to it that add character to it. I take inspiration from horror movies and movie scenes where everything has a trippy look to it. The pop of color and weird contrast and perspective of it is what I want to show in my art all the time.

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