Teacher Name: Mr. Mejia
Grade: 12

Materials: Photoshop, edited stock images
Dimensions: 7” × 5”
Description: I aimed to represent the friction and disagreements seen throughout the internet as people of vastly different backgrounds and ideals gain a voice and spread their ideas to others. The crowd below represents the bystanders and supporters often seen in these situations. This piece is also based on the art of the same name by Edvard Munch, as it is meant to reflect the piece’s message and looks.

Artist Statement: My work is driven with the intent of representing several aspects of global interconnectedness. This is due to the fact that I spend a lot of time on social media as well as the fact that I enjoy learning about and exploring the aspects of today’s world that come with the recent advancements in technology, such as transportation, communication, and the human condition. The concept of global interconnectedness is something that continues fascinate me, and making art about it is a great way to depict that fascination.

I’ve based many of my pieces on photography I either took myself or got from the internet, and created/edited them all digitally through Photoshop. I enjoy creating digital art because I’m more comfortable using the tools available to me, and I have a lot of freedom with the art styles and the ways I want to execute my ideas.

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