Grade: 12

Materials: Paper collage, watercolor, and spray watercolor
Dimensions: 40 cm X 30 cm

Artist Statement: I wanted to convey a feeling of being overwhelmed by school work. I wanted to show how overwhelming and consuming the amount of work can be. The darkness around them is sucking the color away and creates depth like their being swallowed or overtaken and the darkness of the background brings your attention to the dullness and lifelessness of the figure on the bed. The cut-out creates even more depth and dimension and adds to the overwhelming darkness of the collage and pit of school work. If they were moving the depth makes it seem like their in a pit. This is their norm they life in it, they dont realzie that this isnt eveyones reality and that their trapped. They dont know that their trapped, theyve found comfort and are tried/unwilling to get up or move through it. Many high school students have felt this specific yet broad feeling or experience, I wanted to really create that feeling for others. It helps bring some comfort an reassurance knowing that students feel siilarly and arent alone in that experience, making it easier to understand one another and for others outside of high school to have an understanding; specifically around the effects of constant and overwhelming school work.

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