Teacher Name: Ms. Drake

Materials: Alcohol markers with pens

Artist Statement: In my artworks, I visually express myself through my own and official various fictional characters with their own unique stories to tell. They’re vessels that are embodiments of specific moments in my life, a mosaic of isolated events that build a bigger picture that is me as a person. Facing betrayal from those closest to me, finding true friends, and even day to day experiences are contributions to what my artwork becomes.

Alphonse Mucha’s intricate detail to his line art, Yuming Li’s smooth rendering of colors as well as striving for a comic style are what greatly influenced the way I approach my art. These blends of inspirations have allowed me to flourish my own distinct “style.” Rather than limiting myself to one method, I instead embrace a flourishing range and continue to build and improve my own techniques. I’ve bought countless art guide books, attended art programs and watched art tutorials for 10 years to reach where I am now. But nearly everything inspires me such as certain atmospheres of video games like Splatterhouse, or animated shows like Arcane, even going through Pinterest sparks innovation to try something new. In short, I own a unique and colorful palette of art craft that is present throughout all my experimental art.

My own art process always begins with a rough sketch, a rush of creativity begging to be put on paper before it becomes forgotten. Then this rough sketch grows like a sapling, taking time as it changes shape, changes color and lines whether it be digital or traditional. The stroke of alcohol markers that blend with ease and using various blending modes within an art program are the tools I utilize the most, because I am entirely in control. That way I can create art that is a near perfect envision from my mind without fail. This determination to advance in the art world over and over has allowed me to participate in the CPS All City Visual Arts Exhibition and the 2021 Congressional Art Competition For Illinois’ Fifth Congressional District.

But what I truly aim to achieve with my art is to create stories, which are already present through specific works of mine that hold a tale that leaves room for interpretation. Stories through comics, the ultimate fusion of writing and art; that is what I want to do with my craft.

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