Grade: Senior

Materials: Acrylic and Gouache on Canvas
Dimensions: 18 x 20 in
Description: The piece is based on my own feelings of body dysmorphia and issues I have with my weight. I wanted this piece to convey my emotions — how it feels like everything that I love about myself vanishes and my extra skin becomes the only thing that matters. The neck and head are missing from the piece, as the thing that I take the most pride in is my mind.

Artist Statement: My name is Talia Fidler, and I am an aspiring artist working both in traditional and digital art. My work mostly consists of projects related to my interests: storytelling and character design. I’ve written multiple short stories and poems that have informed my work, and my love of narrative storytelling has inspired me to create comics and begin learning animation. My work focuses on introspection as a homage to the lives ordinary people live while existing in extraordinary worlds.

I started drawing after being inspired by visual mediums such as comics and animation, and I’ve carried that love of story-focused art into my current work. My biggest inspirations come from both artists and writers, critically renowned and relatively underrated: Leigh Bardugo’s Six Of Crows series, Kaiu Shirai’s The Promised Neverland, the works of Noelle Stevenson and David J Armsby, The Magnus Archives, Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar— the stories that have informed my artistic process are extremely varied.

The pieces in this collection showcase my process– from observational sketches to finished digital renders. I am constantly observing and trying to improve my artistic skills– as well as trying to explore the stories and ideas I find in my own writings and the writings of others.

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