Teacher Name: Phyllis Burstein
Grade: 12

Dimensions: 2000 × 2500

Artist Statement: I’m a senior at Lincoln Park high school. I’m currently submitting art pieces for art schools and I’m taking an AP art class. This is somewhat of the reason why I made many of these pieces that I’m submitting. For instance, the AP topic I chose was how auras relate to synthesis. When I started this process I interviewed my dad about my grandmother and how she perceived them. Which was only the starting point for many of the pieces that I made. I took a lot of inspiration from my identity. I’m not the best to express my feelings and I’m able to project the idea of being gone in my artwork. You can feel a sense of loneliness but you’re not. I’ve been obsessed with digital art for my whole high school career and I’ve been using this app called procreate. My process is a bit complicated. Either start with a sketch or some type of reference photo. From then I put it into procreate and just go wild with my Apple Pencil. If I’m being honest with you I have no idea what I’m doing sometimes. It feels like every time scrolling through TikTok I learn a new thing. I love using this app because there are so many ways that you can express yourself. My background was very different from everybody else growing up. This is why I feel like my art is so relatable. I’m able to connect to so many people’s emotions. Especially I created many of these pieces during my senior year when it felt like I would never make it here and a lot of this connects to my self-doubt. This is why I believe these pieces are so important because it connects to the very idea of how complex we are and how important the moment is to us.

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