Teacher Name: Mx. Patricia Guizzetti
Grade: Senior

Materials: iPhone Camera

Description: I visited some family for Thanksgiving, and I joked with my brother, that my extended family had already begun celebrating Christmas while the Turkey was still hot in the oven. I love the contrast between the colorful neon lights, and the dark grey sky. Winter is personally my favorite time of the year, and I cannot wait. Just like the photos I take, there will be more moments in the future for me to look forward to.

Artist Statement: I often found myself unhappy because of my struggles with depression and self image.

This only grew exponentially worse during the pandemic, because I was essentially trapped both inside my home, as well as inside my own mind. Although I’d describe art as the combined expression of the creativity of your mind, and passion of your heart, I was disheartened when my traditional art in drawing form never quite came out the way I desired or envisioned.

I tried so hard to find an outlet to get lost in and find comfort in my expression, and so I brainstormed about what made me happy. Throughout each depressing day, I pondered what was the tiny uplifting part that reinvigorated me and gave me the strength to push forward.

It clicked with me when I rode the train as I did everyday on a particular Wednesday morning; the sky had turned purple and I couldn’t understand the sheer joy it brought me. It was something so beautiful that was trapped inside a fleeting moment. It pains me to say I didn’t think to take a photo of it, however it made me realize after the fact how much I desired to capture these sceneries that brought me so much joy. Photography fascinates me because I realized that, while not everyday can be a happy one, you can always manage to create happier days by remembering that there are more moments worth capturing to come. My inspiration to continue photography is to create these little happy albums for myself, that one day I can look back on, and smile about.

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