Teacher Name: Mackenzie Farel, Kimberly Compton
Grade: Senior

Materials: Digital Art
Dimensions: 1668 x 2388px
Description: This piece is a reflection of the past year with the pandemic. Myself and many others have been a lot more active online and so I created a piece to represent that. This piece is of my online persona and myself split in half by a glitch to represent these two sides of myself being the same person.

Artist Statement: My theme for my artwork is revolving around “My Place in Society.” My artworks reflect myself and how I connect to society as a whole. I bring about issues relating to gender, mental health, stereotypes and more. Some other artworks I create are simply reflections of myself and how the world has impacted me. I made these artworks because I know that there are others who are not alone and have dealt with or feel similar things as I do. My process when making my artwork is finding inspiration and reflect on how that particular issue or topic or even artist relates to me and will allow me to create a more impactful meaning to the world. After I have gained my inspiration, I then beginning creating a proposal with sketches and references in preparation for my final piece. After that, I work on my piece and reflect on it at the end. Since these pieces are for a school assignments I create process pages and artist research pages as well as medium exploration in my sketchbook.

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