Teacher Name: Emily Albun
Grade: 7th

Materials: Marker
Dimensions: 9×12 inches

Artist Statement:

“My art piece is about how seeing media around everyone can affect how I see things. Often, my family will ask me if something’s wrong, but I can’t really tell them, because it’s something that’s physically not there (whether I am seeing something or hearing something, that is the one difference.) For that reason, that’s why I included the pose, which I call the “Oh, this?” pose (called that to show that it is “nothing”. This is usually affected by media that I’m watching or I like, things that are made to make me (not me in particular, but the point stands) happy but are scrambled up and changed into things that I don’t like. I chose the color green because it is a really bright color, and stands out against the white. I only used one color to show that the world is kind of…boring? Without media, but it’s also scary with just wrapping you in “green”, so to say.

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