Grade: Senior

Materials: skateboard, canvas, acrylic paint, fak
Dimensions: 33″x 14″4″

Artist Statement: “What nourishes me destroys me.” I wanted to make this piece based off the obsessions with perfection. The dedicated artist. The drive to complete insanity of wanting to be till, it consumes you completely. The full desire to indulge in every satisfactory thing of life. To feel the true pursuit of happiness even if it’s only for a couple seconds. I made this piece to share the world of chaos in my brain. To show people the true rage and passion to be. I made my thoughts, my ideas and fears surround me ingulf me. I wanted to show how things stick to you in everything in life, how perfection is the biggest inclination in life. “What do naughty girls have to hide?“ In this piece I talked about lust and youth. I sewed a thong to show a milestone point in life, every girl gets a thong when they become of age. I made a little vagina between a white and red candle to show a transition to show lose in virtue and tbr such heavy stigma it holds in young woman, we are only expected to preform in the male gaze. We can never enjoy our own fire and passion without judgment. This art is not supposed to be beautiful it’s supposed to make you feel something. Tell its own story to you. We all go though different experiences growing up and finding out who we are. We lose sight of living for others and not ourselves, “who are you before the world told you who to be?” Freeing the inner child and letting yourself heal from the things life put onto you.

es_MXEspañol de México