Teacher: Beth Ammons
Grade: 5th

Materials: Assemblage
Dimensions: 10×10″
Artist Statement: Betye Saar took stereotypes that black people experience and made them into art. I made a “girl sign” because I am a girl. One time, people thought I was a boy because of my shoes. I chose to make the sides the Mexican flag colors, and I took a puzzle piece and colored it to look like a piece of me is Mexico. I put a picture of Frida Kahlo because she reminds me of my sister who inspires me a lot. I put my eyes because everyone has different eyes, and I put soccer players because my family loves soccer. The blue butterfly reminds me of girls dancing with their dresses going side to side. I want people to know it does not matter what race people are because we are all unique.

es_MXEspañol de México