Teachers: Mr. Mejia
Dimensions: 8 in x 10 in
Materials: Original photography, Adobe Photoshop
Artist Statement: My artwork focuses on the story of a dancer living in a sci-fi reality, and one question that drives my work is “what is the significant of body language?” I, myself, am a dancer, and strongly believe that you can tell a story with just your body movement.

For my process, I took a lot of extra time outside of the classroom. I went to different parts of the city and took photos of me in different dance poses and used them as my source images for my pieces. If I wanted the piece to have a positive connotation, the pose might appear more light and airy. If I wanted my pose to have a negative connotation, the pose might appear more intense. After I took photos, I uploaded them and created the art digitally on Photoshop.

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