Teacher Name: Mr. Mejia
Grade: Senior

Materials: Acrylic Paint
Dimensions: 12” × 12”
Description: This is a painting of a picture taken by me at the Harlem Green Line station. Summer, 2021.

Artist Statement: I have a deep connection with the CTA or Chicago Transit Authority which refers to the public transportation in Chicago. I have been taking the “L” since I was 3 years old and started taking it by myself to get around in 4th grade. I love how it can take you to so many places, and see so many things around the city that you just can not experience in other ways. My paintings are the things that I see in the city that to me represent “true Chicago ”. True Chicago stands out to me as neighborhoods and close relationships between people, as well as the love that so many people have for this city. True Chicago to me is also Exploration. It is so much more than downtown, or the bean. Although these places play an important role in the city, and it’s history, there are a lot more places that convey beauty in an equal or better way. This city is so inspiring and interesting, and has a constantly changing aura that is just so familiar, but changes everyday. “True Chicago” is the city that can change so much, but still has such a deep and familiar history.

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