Teacher Name: Annamaria Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Dimensions: 3 posters, each 12 x 18 inches
Materials: Posters
Description: This is an installation piece. The main focus is on the posters and the placement. They are placed this way as a reminder of my goals to fly one day and to continue towards that goal. These photos were taken by me from O’Hare Airport on a Lumix FZ300 camera and printed onto 12 by 18 inch poster. The photos are very high quality and each one holds a lot of meaning. From my first flight to the airline/plane I wish to fly for one day.

Artist Statement: The work that I am submitting is called Goals. As an IB student I made my theme about growing up and the teenage experience. This year I really shifted my art so it focused more specifically on me and my experience growing up. My goal after graduating is to go to college and become a pilot. I also have a passion for photography. So in this piece I decided to combine those two interests and work with aviation photography. I took this by taking a trip to Chicago O’Hare and took photos as various planes landed and took off. However, these three planes are very special to me. The first one is the plane I had my first flight on, along with different plane types/airlines I want to fly for one day. I am really interested in photography, but never really incorporated it into my art, so for this project I decided to experiment with using a camera and expanding my photography horizons. This piece actually has a lot of meaning to me. It truly represents my journey through aviation and shows something that I am passionate about and demonstrates my future goals. I also decided to turn the piece into an installation piece. I hung up the posters next to my bed to remind me of my goal and top keep pushing towards it. As people we have good days and bad days, and this is a reminder that even if it is a bad day to not forget my goal in life because the day will pass. Overall this was a very meaningful project, and I really enjoyed getting to combine my love for aviation and photography into one and try something new.

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