Teacher Name: Michael Criston Winfield
Grade: 12

Materials: Felt, ribbon, polyester toy stuffing, and heart brads
Dimensions:  20 x 26 inches
Description: I created this doll because I wanted to bring one of my original characters to life. I would say I have a strong connection with her because we have been through some rough times in our life. Whenever I look at this doll, it reminds me of the challenges I’ve faced and how I was able to resist them and turn them into my own accomplishments.

Artist Statement: I create my works using mediums like fabric, charcoal, and the digital app Procreate®. Most of my pieces represent an aspect of my identity, and reflecting deeply on past experience is part of my creative process. I enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of techniques and media, finding new ways to combine elements. It opens new doors to different possibilities. Through my art, I am able to express my thoughts and feelings that truly make my art feel like it’s a part of me. I think of something ordinary and I turn it into something magical! I use pastel colors for my lighter and more bubbly artworks because these colors have a happy and lighter connotation with them, which creates a happier, livelier mood. When I’m not using light colors, my work has a mysterious touch to it. Typically my work is very unified, but it also has a bit of a chaotic element to it.

Some of my biggest inspirations are from digital artists Qing Han, Kuura Kuu, and Amber Davkro, who I discovered through researching current artists and artworks published on social media. These artists have helped me develop my style, from a simple cartoon style to a more detailed style, using clean thin lines. The pieces I create help show my interest in the idea of story development, along with character development and using design in a fun and creative way. I hope that my artwork inspires others to experiment with drawing and 3D materials to create something they adore.

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