Teacher Name: Sydney Ruiz
Grade: 12

Description: This is a picture of a friend and me in a boat. This is a darker picture purposefully so please turn your brightness up and enjoy!

Artist Statement: I make art to express what my voice cannot. I keep to myself, I keep my head down, and I view things as a wallflower. If I am a wallflower, my art is my vines. It is what connects me to others so we can help each other see different perspectives. I see the beauty in everything. If I could stop and photograph every wall of graffiti, every mark on the pavement, and every worrisome face on the streets of Chicago, I would. I love my city, but it does not love itself. Our neighborhoods are dangerous and callous, so are the people. I hope to bring my art back to Chicago so I can help kids find the beauty in their worlds too. I make art so I can listen to my heart, so it can tell me what it needs to stop worrying. I worry too much. Making art that I can look back on allows me to know where the pain could be coming from, why the panic ensues, why I look for the wrong people in order to cope. I really hope that every heartfelt art piece, whether music, graphic design, in-game photography, freelance photography, or writing, I create can impact at least one person’s view on the world for the better.

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