Teacher Name: Julie Potratz
Grade: 12

Materials: Pencil and permanent marker
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches

Artist Statement: The artwork I am presenting in my portfolio was made because the message behind my artwork speaks louder than my words. I made the artwork I am presenting with my sketch book, pencil, markers, and crayons, and eraser. The inspiration behind my artwork was some of the emotions I was feeling while drawing, and my love for natural hair. My artistic process is kind of weird, it starts with a thought, like if I want to draw my emotions, or a topic that I feel strongly about and I believe people need to see instead of hear it, or if I want to draw something along my cultural background. After I decided between that I start to doodle ideas, and once I look at everything I drew I finally come up with something to draw and then I write that thought down and start working. I enjoy working with specific tools like pencil, paint and eraser because I like shaded art that you can tell was created by shading with a pencil and erasing a little to give it a blended texture look, I really like that kind of art because it gives a homemade type of feeling. I also like working with paint because with paint I feel like you can never go wrong with art made with paint. I also like using canvas and small sketchbook paper because canvas gives you nice decor to hang up later on and small sketchbook paper helps leave room if you want to update your artwork and add more to it on bigger paper so that is why I like using those two things to draw on. My experience with depression, anxiety, and judgement helped contribute to the making of my work because it helped me draw out my emotions and let off some of that steam. This artwork presented means I’m growing from the negative place I was at.

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