Teacher Name: Valerie Xanos
Grade: 12

Materials: Procreate
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
Description: “I was inspired by good and bad, light and dark.” The two parts of the garment represent each side of these opposites.
Everyone has a good and a bad side no matter what, and that good and bad can be created into something beautiful.
The wearer should feel really powerful and strong, and that they are a total badass.

Artist Statement: I made these five fashion designs because I want to show the world what I can do, and how creative I can be in so many ways. I really like that I can express myself without being scared. Creating gives me the feeling that I belong. I am inspired by reconstructing fashion and taking it to the next level. I love designers who can create fashion that does not seem like ordinary clothes just like “Nicola Formichetti,” “Iris van Herpen,’’ and “Robert Wun’’ I like how they show how there are no limits or boundaries when it comes to fashion. These works were created with the digital app Procreate. I really like making my art on Procreate because you can show what you are imagining. The ability to add detail makes it even better which gives the audience a clear understanding of a dynamic design. What this work means to me is being able to show that clothing doesn’t just have to be the same all the time. Clothing can be so much more by putting in work and making sure you execute what you want, to push boundaries, and use imagination to create fashion that is also expressive art.

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