Teacher Name: Annamaria Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Materials: Plastic bottles and cups, along with metal cans
Dimensions: 30 inches tall (largest one)
Description: This piece represents a mix of both human and natural behavior. Once again we can see some varying sizes of what to seem like article plants in a barren and dry environment where natural green life can not exist. These were done using metal cans and plastic cups all stemming from another plastic bottle. Once again like in the middle artwork this re-creates the scene of an experimental project to make plants that can be sustainable in even the harsh conditions. In the background there are 2 human figures that seem to be observing the outdoor scene. Their heads are not shown for privacy reasons. This project I took inspiration from a different installation in the spring, I used a tall tamp to make the body of a doctor as Covid cases had been growing really fast. But this time around I made the figures in the back simply anonymous observers who watched these plants survive in a harsh/ barren environment. I decided to use bottles and cups in this piece as they had been a 3D artificial element and would stick out more rather than making a plant on paper. I still might have added more but my family does not drink too much sparkling waters.

Artist Statement: In my collection of works that I selected they all tie into the them of making art that seems to have a deep analysis. All feature a large influence on natural and human behavior.

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