Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic paint
Dimensions: 9 x 12 inches
Description: This was originally a black canvas, I had to work up and build layers to create tones of the skin and hair.

Artist Statement: As an artist, I am motivated and inspired by music; music is a form of art and hearing the work of another artist inspires me to create. My artist process looks like this: listen to music, I grab all of my paining supplies (or whatever medium I’m working in that day), I make a couple of rough sketches, and I also write to help my work flow. Normally I work with portraiture, so I sketch on my canvas, lay a light wash on my my canvas (it’s easier to define tone without the white of the canvas), then I grab my base colors and start painting. As an artist I focus on experimentation by working with different mediums like acrylics, pastels, charcoal, ink, and water-color. I experiment even further by using these mediums, but on different types of paper.

My work has been in 20 exhibitions because of the art programs that I participated in. From 7th to 8th grade I was in the Marwen arts program, and from freshman to senior year I participated in After School Matters and my school art programs. My biggest accomplishment at the After School Matters painting on canvas art program was when my work was put in their biggest gala at the Wintrust Arena and ex-Mayor Daily bought my painting. Being a part of ASM has definitely improved me as an artist academically because I learned new art vocabulary words like monochromatic, and new historical facts about art starting all the way from B.C. ASM improved me socially because I was able to meet many new friends that I stay connected with. I was able to experience what it’s like to be in a gala/gallery; I learned to take constructive criticism from my peers and teachers while still having the space to do work that represents me and my comfortability. I am interested in many different art forms because through Marwen, ASM, and my school’s art program I was blessed with the opportunity of working with so many materials imaginable.

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