Teacher Name: Bethany Crino Staswick
Grade: 7
Dimensions: 9×12″
Artist Statement:

The image I am trying to present through my artwork is that everyone matters, no matter how you look. You’re loved, and you’re beautiful. Never be afraid to show your culture or religion! The artist I chose that inspired my art was Brittany Harris. She showed how beautiful the people were in her black cultural artwork. This inspired me to create something based on diversity. Brittany Harris presents a meaning behind every piece of art, therefore I made a “You Matter” piece of art. The way we look, or where we’re from doesn’t define us. Judgment shouldn’t get in the way of expressing ourselves. In my image, I added characters from different races because I believe everyone is beautiful inside and out! The colorful background was inspired by Brittany Harris, and shows that everyone is different, and has a spark to shine! You matter.

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