Teacher Name: Claire Reynes
Grade: 5

Materials: Felt, buttons, thread

Artist Statement: I made this I – 9 with felt,buttons,yarn,a needle,and some patterns for a rug.I make my art because it is fun and that i had a lot of fun sewing I – 9.The thing that inspires me to make art is stuff I like like one day I saw the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and then after the movie I went to go watch a tutorial of how to draw Star-Lord.People should care because looking at art can inspire you to make some art.My I – 9 signifies my life because I got the idea because my mom always says the three rats or the rats.It communicates a rat is not always mean they are nice.The thing that is special about it is that the I on it was wrong so I came around that leaf and put a 9 on it so then I got an idea for I – 9 the experiment.It means my life and that rats are not that harmful.

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