Teacher Name: Jennifer Willis
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic paint, markers, color pencils, glue, and paper on canvas
Dimensions: 16 x 20 inches
Description: I wanted to make a piece to represent people we see day to day. I made my portrait with my usual mediums such as: canvas, acrylic paint, acrylic paint markers, colored pencils, glue, and printer paper. My inspiration was a quick sketch I had made during the summer, that was inspired by Amy Sheralds’ portraits. My process on making this was sketching the portrait first and try to get in all the details before working on my background. I tried to move slow with my piece to really make sure every detail was perfect. I personally love collages and mixed media so I try to incorporate multiple mediums within my artwork. To bring it to love with this piece, I had used a different medium for the woman so I can get the feel of it being a collage. This piece however, is probably my best work yet. I am extremely proud of my work and love to see my talent evolve. This piece really means a lot to me.

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